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🚀The Rise of Optimus

The Robot Business will be bigger than the Car Business - Elon Musk, when discussing the future of Tesla


Our project vision is to be the epicenter for crypto enthusiasts that love Elon Musk, AI, robots, and dreaming of the future.

We are in the early stage of the Robot Revolution and expect to see a tsunami of news, media, content and influence over the next months/years. We hope to help push it forward with our in-house content and partner network!

This project is not affiliated with Elon or Tesla but is designed as a tribute to their brilliance. Through memes, content creation and state-of-the-art utility, the Optimus token community will grow endlessly as a new chapter in crypto begins to heat up.

Fun fact: Our project was created on the very same day the 'Official Tesla Optimus' X (formerly Twitter) account came online, January 2023.

For more content about Elon's vision for Optimus and all the surrounding plot-lines, please subscribe to our X and join our Telegram.

Optimus, alongside colonizing Mars, is one of Elon's biggest dreams

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