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🏦How Locking Works

Welcome to the Community Vault Overview

Optimus holders will have the option to lock their tokens for a period of time in 3 different pools. Each pool earns a specific slice of the REWARDS made available to stakers.

In order to claim your rewards, holders must 'refresh' their staking period within the dApp.

If you want to unstake your tokens after the staking period, you are able to do so but you will forfeit any unclaimed rewards since last claim. Those eligible tokens are then re-distributed to the active staking pool.

👍 Pool of Now

Locked for 7 days and receives 15% of the total REWARDS pool

🦾 Pool of Tomorrow

Locked for 21 days and receives 35% of the total REWARDS pool

🚀 Pool of the Future

Locked for 60 days and receives 50% of the total REWARDS pool

Last updated